Thursday, November 15, 2012

Feels Like the First Time

So I am toying with this idea to begin a new blog. My old blog, which I love and will keep just seems to have stumped me, and I needed a new, fresh place to toss my ideas out there. I'm a random person, so sometimes I have a theme, sometimes I am eloquent, and sometimes I just feel like ranting.

Maybe with the new place, and new atmosphere, I can breathe and begin to enjoy writing again, maybe as with all things, what goes around comes around, and I can enjoy a brand new start.

After all, maybe there is a first time, and a second first time, or limitless first times for everything? Why not, it's all about perception.

Welcome to my world… I'm just Jax.


  1. Yay!!! I need me a regular dose of Jackie! I love how you write and ponder things. I've missed your spirit, energy and beauty (seriously woman, you are beautiful)! I feel like starting up my old blog too. I'm still thinking about it but it sure is nice to have you back. :) xo

  2. I love your writing too, and thanks Chell!! I feel bad to have been such a neglective reader, but I'm trying to remedy all that. I'm getting back little by little.

    De todo un poco...



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